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Guardian of the Moon Pendant (Highland Secrets) Kindle Edition | Pages: 260 pages
Rating: 3.78 | 23 Users | 10 Reviews

Chronicle Supposing Books Guardian of the Moon Pendant (Highland Secrets)

The MacAlpin women are of a fierce clan, born from a rare bloodline that harbors a dark and powerful secret – a mystical heirloom called the Moon Pendant. It is the key to controlling the MääGord standing stones, a magical Portal into the Otherworld, the realm of the Fae.

Anabel and Izzy MacAlpin are two sisters, polar opposites, living separate lives.

Anabel’s life is going precisely according to her plan, a ring on her finger from her steady beau, Edgar, and medical school in the fall.

Izzy’s life is filled with scars and wounds from her past. Dubbed the “spare child” by her family and treated poorly, she rebelled, and now lives life by her own rules.

These two sisters’ worlds are about to explode when one of them must go to Scotland and fulfill her duty as the Guardian of the Moon Pendant, by recharging this magical heirloom with four elementals, air, earth, water, and fire, and then finally close the Portal.

There’s only one problem…

The Baobhan Sith – a vampiric faery who lures men in with her hypnotic voice, feeding on their blood or transforming them into Màrmann, her zombie-like warriors who do her bidding – desires the Moon Pendant to take control over the Portal, opening a gateway into the realm of man, helping her to seek revenge on the MacAlpin clan, and to quench her eternal thirst for human blood.

Anabel finds herself torn between a sinfully handsome Scottish warrior, Blane and her fiancée, Edgar. Izzy finds herself, angered by her sister’s lack of faith in her.

Both sisters are forced to help one another, but may end up killing each other in the end. Surrounded by an array of good and evil Scottish Fae like a vampiric faery, the Baobhan Sith, zombie-warriors, the Ankou, Dryads, the Fachan, the Ghillie Dhu, Heather Pixies, Leigheas, the Nuckelavee, the Bloody Baron a Red Cap, Stone Faeries, Trows, and Will-o’-the-wisps.

Will these two sisters put aside their differences before the final task to charge the Moon Pendant and close the Portal or will the Baobhan Sith, the vampiric faery, be successful and open the Portal into the Otherworld?

Mention Based On Books Guardian of the Moon Pendant (Highland Secrets)

Title:Guardian of the Moon Pendant (Highland Secrets)
Author:Laura J. Williams
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 260 pages
Published:July 25th 2012 by Laura J. Williams
Categories:Fantasy. Paranormal. Demons. Young Adult. Magic

Rating Based On Books Guardian of the Moon Pendant (Highland Secrets)
Ratings: 3.78 From 23 Users | 10 Reviews

Comment On Based On Books Guardian of the Moon Pendant (Highland Secrets)
Amazon Freebie 10/19/2012

I wasn't a big fan of this book. The story jumped around a lot and certain things weren't explained very well which left me confused about why or how something happened. I also didn't like either protagonist, they were both selfish and immature, I couldn't connect to them.

First - I feel that I have to mention the cover. Why? Because it is one of the main reasons that I even wanted to read this book. After reading the synopsis though, I was completely sold. Secondly; I feel that I should point out that this book is so epically NOT like every other magic creature filled book out there. & don't let the synopsis fool you, you might THINK you know what is going on - but trust me when I say - surprises are in store. I love nothing more than a book that can

Was a very good book!! I loved it. Gets you attention in the first chapter and you don't want to put it down until you are done, leaves you wishing there was more books to keep the story going. Great Characters and wonderful story line. Thanks Laura for writing such a good book.

Guardian of the Moon Pendant is my first highland/Scottish book, and it was incredible. It was a story with amazing characters, strong story line and thrilling action screens. Although 30% of my journey with Williams book was a confusing, that didnt stop me in enjoying Guardian of the Moon Pendant.Characters. Main characters Izzy and Anabel are a sisters and they dont get along. Though most of the time they quarrel and whine a lot (which makes them somewhat childish to some point) about each

I was surprised to find that this book was self-published. Its quick pace, even quicker wit, and the expert handling of the two main characters' growth (Their naval gazing doesn't get in the way of the plot, but they developing/changing is vital to the plot moving forward! Yeah!) at first had me thinking that some big mainstream publishing house had picked up Ms. Williams for a book deal. Fortunately, New York's lack of recognition of this great new writer won't prevent us from enjoying this

I liked the plot of this book, but felt like the book was rushed overall. I'm a fairly speedy reader anyhow, but it took me less than two hours to read this. I would have liked to have seen more character and plot development. Like another reviewer mentioned, I had a hard time connecting with either of the lead characters, Anabel and Izzy. I am definitely interested in reading a follow up book, but I think the next one should be longer and I'd like to see it go into more depth.

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