Online Books Chasing the Dragon: One Woman's Struggle Against the Darkness of Hong Kong's Drug Den Download Free

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Title:Chasing the Dragon: One Woman's Struggle Against the Darkness of Hong Kong's Drug Den
Author:Jackie Pullinger
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 238 pages
Published:December 1st 2003 by Regal Books (first published 1980)
Categories:Christian. Biography. Nonfiction. Religion. Christianity. Cultural. China. Faith. Autobiography. Memoir
Online Books Chasing the Dragon: One Woman's Struggle Against the Darkness of Hong Kong's Drug Den  Download Free
Chasing the Dragon: One Woman's Struggle Against the Darkness of Hong Kong's Drug Den Paperback | Pages: 238 pages
Rating: 4.39 | 3425 Users | 181 Reviews

Description As Books Chasing the Dragon: One Woman's Struggle Against the Darkness of Hong Kong's Drug Den

Some stories you have to hear firsthand to believe. Jackie Pullinger's life in Hong Kong is that kind of story.

I am not pentecostal. I grew up suspicious of anyone who raised their hands in church. Speaking in tongues, signs and wonders, healings and resurrections were all a bit far for my home church. Even today, I'm still a bit iffy about things like prophetic words and power evangelism. If God want to act in that way, great! But it will take a little work on God's end to overcome my scepticism.

CtD carries a latent pentecostal punch. Only after you've committed to Pullinger's story does the gift of tongues come to center stage. Honestly, speaking in a Holy Spirit language is both catalyst and content to much of her work in Hong Kong's Walled City.

But the way she brings this gift across even has me questioning my own prejudices (which is always a good thing). The presence of God and the power of Jesus are undeniable in her accounts. The sort of life that seems to me the natural path for a Christian is showing up in what she's doing. Maybe I'm the one who's missing something.

I'm thankful I happened on the 2000 edition. Pullinger's two final chapters put the first part of her story into some perspective. Her voice sounds less polished, and some of the deep anguish she felt shows through. Like Mother Teresa's posthumously published journals, these later chapters provide a necessary context to the rest of the stories.

Mention Books To Chasing the Dragon: One Woman's Struggle Against the Darkness of Hong Kong's Drug Den

Original Title: Chasing the Dragon: One Womans Struggle Against the Darkness of Hong Kong's Drug Dens
ISBN: 0830734007 (ISBN13: 9780830734009)
Edition Language: English
Setting: Hong Kong

Rating Of Books Chasing the Dragon: One Woman's Struggle Against the Darkness of Hong Kong's Drug Den
Ratings: 4.39 From 3425 Users | 181 Reviews

Judgment Of Books Chasing the Dragon: One Woman's Struggle Against the Darkness of Hong Kong's Drug Den
My last read and second of 2018: Chasing the Dragon by Jackie PullingerThis is a true story which many have described as inspiring.I could have easily done the same but that would have been embellishing the truth. It made me introspect a lot and I ask myself some very tough questions."Chasing the Dragon" is a true story of Jackie Pullingers work in Hong Kongs infamous Walled City. Her work resulted in hundreds of gangsters, drug addicts, prostitutes and hardened criminals to turn to Christ, give

Amazing book about a British woman who refused to let religion and the evils of the world stop her evangelism of the love of Jesus. Called to one of the darkest places in the world, Hong Kong's notorious Walled City, Ms Pullinger relays her experiences with The Lord and His Holy Spirit as they relentlessly pursue the hearts and minds of God's precious people trapped in drug addiction, prostitution, and gang violence. Reading this book will stir up your faith like never before AND convict the

Total crap. I was asked to read this by a Christian friend. Endless tales of people being saved from drug addiction with prayer. One woman's heroic crusade of cleaning up Hong Kong. She did it all herself apparently by getting criminals to become Christian and speak in tongues. Sorry but this is mumbo jumbo.

This was an exciting book to see how the Holy Spirit moved and changed young men's lives in Hong Kong's Walled City in the 1980's. The first half was especially interesting as the author shows how many misconceptions she had about God and how He works. I really had a lot of chuckles because I had many of the same ideas from society in general and some churches in particular. It was encouraging to see how she was protected thru her adventures and "mistakes". Her story reminded me of "The Cross

I commend Jackie Pullinger on all the wonderful things she accomplished and all the people she helped in the Walled City. I enjoyed reading about the interesting people she came in contact with. I gave two stars because I thought the story became very repetitious.

Amazing book about a British woman who refused to let religion and the evils of the world stop her evangelism of the love of Jesus. Called to one of the darkest places in the world, Hong Kong's notorious Walled City, Ms Pullinger relays her experiences with The Lord and His Holy Spirit as they relentlessly pursue the hearts and minds of God's precious people trapped in drug addiction, prostitution, and gang violence. Reading this book will stir up your faith like never before AND convict the

The most compelling missionary biography I've ever read.As a young 20-something, Jackie Pullinger sensed a call to go into missions. Where she was to go she did not know, and missionary societies weren't interested in her. One Spirit-filled vicar suggested she get on a boat and go as far as as she could. She took his advice, trusting God to meet every need. She sailed to Hong Kong, was initially denied entry, but had an Advocate who was helping her. With no money, no job, and no prospects, she

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