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ISBN: 1421842661 (ISBN13: 9781421842660)
Edition Language: English
Online Books The Brethren  Download Free
The Brethren Paperback | Pages: 424 pages
Rating: 3.92 | 527 Users | 37 Reviews

Declare Based On Books The Brethren

Title:The Brethren
Author:H. Rider Haggard
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 424 pages
Published:June 15th 2007 by 1st World Library - Literary Society (first published October 2nd 1904)
Categories:Classics. Adventure. Historical. Historical Fiction. Fiction. Romance

Commentary As Books The Brethren

This stirring novel is set in the climactic months before the opening of the Third Crusade, called the Kings' Crusade. The Brethren is a classic tale of love and chivalry, unfolding amidst the touching story of two English knights who are in love with the same maiden. The devotion of these men is tested when their beloved is carried away against her will to Palestine and eventually to the court of the famous Muslim leader, Saladin.

From the sea-wall on the coast of Essex, Rosamund looked out across the ocean eastwards. To right and left, but a little behind her, like guards attending the person of their sovereign, stood her cousins, the twin brethren, Godwin and Wulf, tall and shapely men. Godwin was still as a statue, his hands folded over the hilt of the long, scabbarded sword, of which the point was set on the ground before him, but Wulf, his brother, moved restlessly, and at length yawned aloud. They were beautiful to look at, all three of them, as they appeared in the splendour of their youth and health. The imperial Rosamund, dark-haired and eyed, ivory skinned and slender-waisted, a posy of marsh flowers in her hand; the pale, stately Godwin, with his dreaming face; and the bold-fronted, blue-eyed warrior, Wulf, Saxon to his finger-tips, notwithstanding his father's Norman blood. At the sound of that unstifled yawn, Rosamund turned her head with the slow grace which marked her every movement. "Would you sleep already, Wulf, and the sun not yet down?" she asked in her rich, low voice, which, perhaps because of its foreign accent, seemed quite different to that of any other woman.

Rating Based On Books The Brethren
Ratings: 3.92 From 527 Users | 37 Reviews

Criticism Based On Books The Brethren
High stepping romp through the Crusades following the travails of two brothers charging off to the rescue of the object of both their affections. The characters are a bit staid and archetypal, but it is a great laid back read. Fun in the way of the Dumas sagas. Would be a good summer read.

Two friends and sworn brothers fall in love with the same woman. When they find out instead of falling out over her they pledge to go off to the crusades and after time come back to the issue. This book records their adventures and the results. Well done and a classic favorite. This author was reportedly Winston Churchill's favorite fiction author. :)

The first book of Haggard.Mesmerized by the presentation even my age was also perfect when I have read this.

In January 1900, British author H. Rider Haggard and his family ventured forth on a nice long vacation. As revealed in D.S. Higgins' 1981 biography, the first part of this holiday was beset by bad weather, sickness and delays, as the Haggards made their way from London and on to Italy and Cyprus. But once the family reached the Holy Land, apparently, conditions improved significantly, and the world-famous author was so taken by the many historic sights that he saw there that the experience

Prolific as he was, H. Rider Haggard essentially wrote at three levels of quality. Much of his Quatermain series and some of the Ayesha series are first rank. Others in the series fall into place, merely filling out the framework of the story, albeit they are readable and engaging. There are also one-offs, such as Montezuma's Daughter, which achieve some degree of novelty and revelation, especially about peoples who were alien to Haggard and his reading audience. There are clunkers, however. And

3.5* ENGLISH: This adventure novel, somewhat atypical among Haggard's works, is a historical novel taking place at the time of the crusades. Some historical figures appear, such as Saladin (Salah-ad-Din) and the Old Man of the Mountain (Rashid Sinan), leader of the Assassins, to whom several chapters are devoted.The figure of Sinan and his assassins is a little exaggerated. That his men were willing to kill themselves falling off a cliff at his order seems to be historical, but I don't think he

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