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Original Title: Planetary, Volume 1: All Over the World and Other Stories
ISBN: 1563897776 (ISBN13: 9781563897771)
Edition Language: English URL
Series: Planetary #1
Characters: Jakita Wagner, The Drummer, Elijah Snow
Download Planetary, Volume 1: All Over the World and Other Stories (Planetary #1) Books Online Free
Planetary, Volume 1: All Over the World and Other Stories (Planetary #1) Hardcover | Pages: 160 pages
Rating: 4.2 | 13791 Users | 398 Reviews

Narration As Books Planetary, Volume 1: All Over the World and Other Stories (Planetary #1)

Elijah Snow, a hundred year old man.
Jakita Wagner, an extremely powerful and bored woman.
The Drummer, a man with the ability to communicate with machines.
Infatuated with tracking down evidence of super-human activity, these mystery archaeologists of the late 20th Century uncover unknown paranormal secrets and histories, such as a World War II supercomputer that can access other universes, a ghostly spirit of vengeance, and a lost island of dying monsters.

Collecting: Planetary 1-6

Define Regarding Books Planetary, Volume 1: All Over the World and Other Stories (Planetary #1)

Title:Planetary, Volume 1: All Over the World and Other Stories (Planetary #1)
Author:Warren Ellis
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 160 pages
Published:February 1st 2001 by Wildstorm (first published March 1st 2000)
Categories:Sequential Art. Comics. Graphic Novels. Science Fiction. Fiction. Graphic Novels Comics

Rating Regarding Books Planetary, Volume 1: All Over the World and Other Stories (Planetary #1)
Ratings: 4.2 From 13791 Users | 398 Reviews

Judge Regarding Books Planetary, Volume 1: All Over the World and Other Stories (Planetary #1)
What a cool series. I remember reading some of this when it first came out but I never got around to finishing the series, which I plan to do now.Planetary is a group of superpowered researchers. There are four members, but we only are introduced to three, all of which we know every little about, including just what exactly all of their powers are. Along the way the team meets a group of pulp heroes based on Doc Savage, The Shadow, Airboy and others who end up battling a group based on the

Planetary consistently keeps showing up on my recommended feed, so on that alone I decided to pick this up. If Goodreads is insistent on the fact that I have to read this book, that's a good thing right? You couldn't be further from the truth. I was confused with this graphic novel, the storyline felt like it could have something special but ultimately didn't deliver. I really like Elijah Snow, everyone else I could do without. I really didn't develop a connection with them and in the end, I

It's hard to rate this book, because I can see where it's going and it looks pretty interesting. Unfortunately, these first 6 issues didn't really deliver. From what I've heard about this series, it's a pretty cool overarching journey. Although I was not completely hooked by this volume, I'd certainly consider checking out the rest.The series strikes me as a sort of Justice League meets X-Files. From what I can tell so far, this team of people with super powers travel around investigating

I think the Planetary series by Ellis and Cassaday may be one of the most ambitious, and certainly most enjoyable, comics (excuse me, I mean graphic novels!) that I have ever read. It is yet another post-Watchmen, post-Dark Knight meta-textual exploration of the genre, but manages to be one that doesnt lose its sense of humour or sense of wonder as it dissects some of the weird, wonderful, and even silly elements of the genreno small feat! Also, Ellis does not restrict himself solely to an

I was excited to finally be able to start this series through the use of the Hoopla app, which I've only just now become familiar with. Overdrive users will be familiar with its function; though it focuses more on comic books and audio books and rather than having only a copy or two available (necessitating wait lists) you are allowed a monthly borrowing limit of 6 books.This was a promising start to the series. A team of archaeologists known only as Planetary (consisting of Elijah Snow - love

That's been a whole lotta awesome. But hell if I know what's going on.It's almost like one of those TV shows where the clock is set to zero with every new episode and there's very little continuity.Well, its almost like that. Because there were just enough recurring themes to at least make me wonder if I had missed something.Maybe its just that whole multiverse thing that made it sometimes a little confusing.Or its me being stupid. Though thats unlikely. Amiright?!Am I right? *silence ensues*

Secret Sci-fi team Planetary is on the hunt for the mysteries of the past century. It reminds me of X-files meets Jupiter's circle and nowhere men. Past secrets hidden that come to light slowly with future tech and super smart people that may super power is right up my alley. Issue 2-3 where a little slow but the majority of the book is great. The art is also well done for the late 90's. Ill keep reading

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