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Title:Palomar: The Heartbreak Soup Stories (Love and Rockets)
Author:Gilbert Hernández
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 512 pages
Published:November 17th 2003 by Fantagraphics (first published July 2003)
Categories:Sequential Art. Graphic Novels. Comics. Fiction. Graphic Novels Comics
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Palomar: The Heartbreak Soup Stories (Love and Rockets) Hardcover | Pages: 512 pages
Rating: 4.32 | 2070 Users | 74 Reviews

Interpretation In Favor Of Books Palomar: The Heartbreak Soup Stories (Love and Rockets)

For the first time ever, Fantagraphics is proud to present a single-volume collection of Gilbert Hernandez's "Heartbreak Soup" stories from Love & Rockets, which along with RAW magazine defined the modern literary comics movement of the post-underground generation. This massive volume collects every "Heartbreak Soup" story from 1993 to 2002 in one 500-page deluxe hardcover edition, presenting the epic for the first time as the single novel it was always intended to be. Palomar is the mythical Central American town where the "Heartbreak Soup" stories take place. The stories weave in and out of the town's entire population, crafting an intricate tapestry of Latin American experience. Hernandez's densely plotted and deeply imagined tales are often compared with magic realist authors like Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Isabel Allende (House of the Spirits). His depictions of women and Mexican-American experience have been universally lauded as the best examples the artform has to offer. Luba, the guiding spirit of Palomar since the outset, has been hailed by The Nation, Rolling Stone, and Time magazine as one of the great characters of contemporary American fiction. Hernandez's work, in addition to the obvious magic realist comparisons, shares an affinity with other Latin American and Spanish writer/artists, like Frida Kahlo, Federico Garcia Lorca and Pablo Picasso, all of whom applied a surrealist eye to what they saw and experienced. Palomar follows the lives of its residents from Luba's arrival in the town to her exit, twenty years later. Included are such classic tales as "Sopa de Gran Pena," "Ecce Homo," "An American in Palomar," "Human Diastrophism," and "Farewell, Mi Palomar." Palomar presents one of the richest accomplishments in the history of the artform in its ideal format for the first time, making it a must-have for longtime Love & Rockets fans and new readers alike.

Point Books Conducive To Palomar: The Heartbreak Soup Stories (Love and Rockets)

Original Title: Palomar: The Heartbreak Soup Stories (Love and Rockets)
ISBN: 1560975393 (ISBN13: 9781560975397)
Edition Language: English
Series: Love and Rockets, Love and Rockets: Palomar and Luba #1-3

Rating Containing Books Palomar: The Heartbreak Soup Stories (Love and Rockets)
Ratings: 4.32 From 2070 Users | 74 Reviews

Evaluation Containing Books Palomar: The Heartbreak Soup Stories (Love and Rockets)
I used to prefer Jaime's talent over Gilbert's, but once I read all the Palomar stories together, as a unit, they all made so much sense and were absolutely enthralling. Now I am almost as big a fan of Gilbert's! I would definitely suggest reading the L&R series this way, as opposed to the original comic form, because a reader won't get as distracted by Los Bros. very different styles of storytelling, both of which are unparalleled in the comics world today.

an amazing collection. the brilliance of this work is best felt not while reading it, but while you're not reading it. when you're constantly thinking about the characters, their lives, and eating fried slugs. populated by strong womyn of all sorts, the palomar stories have everything one could desire. the characters' histories slowly unfold as the comics continue - things hinted at and touched upon are slowly revealed. shifting alliances, shifting sexualities, and shifting power feed the drama.

Nooooooot my cup of tea. Maybe I'm just not fond of sex-drenched narratives right now. (I'm Asexual. Sometimes my tolerance is low. I find these narratives depressingly grim and ... dull.) But two stars for interesting artistic design and for representing a world which rarely makes it into comics, much less literature.

(Reprinted from the Chicago Center for Literature and Photography []. I am the original author of this essay, as well as the owner of CCLaP; it is not being reprinted here illegally.)Regular readers know that I make my way through graphic novels on a pretty regular basis, usually only ten or twenty pages at a time while in bed at night; and hey, what should just happen to pop up at my neighborhood library the other day than the collected "Palomar" stories from legendary '80s and

It was supposed to rain all weekend (again), so I went to the library and stocked up on graphic novels. Palomar is probably the best graphic novel I have read. I stayed up reading it until 6:00am -- something I haven't done in years.Palomar is a fictional Central American town that is isolated and somewhat left behind in time. The sheriff and some other people have a debate over whether or not to get a telephone. The owner of the movie house wonders why Bruce Lee hasn't put out any movies in a

Loved this spending the past few days enveloped in the Palomar universe. This massive collection takes the reader through generations of life in this fictional town...every panel is sparse, but very detailed. The stories are very real and yet magical. Can't wait to explore my way through the rest of Gilbert's art.

Heartbreak is right. This book is magic realism at its strongest. Having just reread Watchmen recently I know better then to call Palomar the greatest graphic novel Ive ever read but it surely is one of the best. One of the more effective devices Hernandez uses, purely magic realism, is of the tree with the ghosts of recently passed characters waving from its shadow. The second time it is used is how we find out one of the main characters is dead and this is heartbreakingly effective. Hernandez

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