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Title:The Trespasser
Author:D.H. Lawrence
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 320 pages
Published:August 9th 2015 by Andesite Press (first published 1912)
Categories:Fiction. Classics. Novels. Literature. 20th Century
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The Trespasser Hardcover | Pages: 320 pages
Rating: 3.32 | 290 Users | 41 Reviews

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This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

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Original Title: The Trespasser
ISBN: 1297626443 (ISBN13: 9781297626449)

Rating Out Of Books The Trespasser
Ratings: 3.32 From 290 Users | 41 Reviews

Assess Out Of Books The Trespasser
This story is based on real events (its Wagnerian echoes seem forced).Helena is a modern girl who flees both cold and warmth;An anemone, to her, is just a kaleidoscopic shapeBut, for her lover Siegmund, is a thing to evaluate;He gets beneath its skin; but the flesh is distasteful to her,She is positively anaemic, exhausts her passions in a blur,Til Siegmund's violin is the only thing that remains of him.The cold condemning eyes of his wife, the grave eyes of his childrenNo longer matter now, for

لم أتوقع حين بدأت بها أن ينتهي الأمر سريعا إلي تصنيف ( كتب لم تكتمل )!!لا أعلم لماذا شعرت بكل هذه الغربة عن الكتاب لماذا شعرت أنني بعيدة مع أشخاص أقرأ عنهم وكأنهم أشباحاً علي ورق ! فقط سطور تبدأ وتنتهي وأنا معهم ودونهم في الوقت نفسه .. !!لا أحب الكتاب الذي يدعني اسرح بعيداً عن أحداثه .. ولا الذي يسمح لي أن أبتعد بذهني وعيوني عن صفحاته ..وربما أكون قد تسرعت في الحكم لا أعلم .. ولكن .. اسم د . هـ لورانس يستحق الصبر .. ويستحق منهي محاولة ثانية ...رغم ضميري الذي يتعبني حين أترك كتاباً هكذا من

The edition I read - I couldn't find the Cambridge-Penguin edition - has an introduction by Richard Aldington, who took Ford Madox Ford to task for not recommending this novel when he first read it. In retrospect this is one of Lawrence's weaker works, though Lawrence's weaker works are still worth reading maybe once. The ending is not especially convincing. The writing is draped in all sorts of Lawrencian clichés - "he loved her... and he hated her" - much like The Rainbow. If you are a

The Trespasser by D. H. LawrenceIm not sure about the best way to enjoy writing this comment on D.H. Lawrences second novel, The Trespasser. With Lawrence it seems to easy to say it is a very fine, intensely wrought novel that presaged even greater work to follow. If you were an editor/publisher and received this work from a relatively unknown writer, for instance, youd know right away that the man had immense and peculiar talent. Youd question the narrow focus of the plot and the confusing

D.H.Lawrence çok severek okuduğum bir yazar. Yine çok güzel bir kitapla buluşturdu beni. Kitabın kahramanları 38 yaşında, evli, çocuklu bir müzik öğretmeni olanSiegmund ile ondan uzun yıllardır keman dersi alan 27 yaşındaki Helena. Kitap bu ikilinin yasak aşkını anlatıyor. Helena ve Sigmund bir adada 5 günlük bir deniz tatili yaptıktan sonra Londra'ya dönüyorlar. Siegmund karısının ve çocuklarının O'nu aşağılayan, yok sayan tavırlarına dayanamıyor. Ne ailesini bırakıp Helena ile olabiliyor ne de

رواية أحداثها قليلة رغم طولها لكنها مميزة بجمال اللغة وأسلوب الوصفدي اتش لورانس الفنان الذي يمنح الوصف كل ما يملك من تعبيرات بديعة علاقة حب بين هيلينا وسيجموند عازف الكمان, علاقة بين امرأة ورجل متزوج تصبح الزوجة الطرف الثالث فيهاتردد كل منهم بين فعل ما يرغب فيه فعلا وبين نُكران الذات وفعل ما يُفترض أنه صوابمعاناة سيجموند وصراعه مع نفسه كان الأوضح والأقوى, حتى يصل لآخر لحظات الألم والانهيار الزوجة والحبيبة كل منهما عاشت حياتها كما ترغب بعد موته, وكأن موته كان الحل الأمثل للخلاص من المعاناة

حاولت حقا أن أكملها.جاهدت معها كثيرا .. لكني فكرت أن الحياة أقصر من أرغم نفسي علي قراءة رواية رتيبة جدا كهذه فقط لأنها كلاسيكية!فترتكتها وتقييمي لها يُترك أيضا !

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