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Title:Private Screening (Tony Lord #1)
Author:Richard North Patterson
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 0 pages
Published:February 1st 1998 by Ballantine Books (P) (first published September 28th 1985)
Categories:Mystery. Fiction. Thriller. Legal Thriller. Crime
Download Free Audio Private Screening (Tony Lord #1) Books
Private Screening (Tony Lord #1) Paperback | Pages: 0 pages
Rating: 3.66 | 1452 Users | 56 Reviews

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Another classic Patterson, not to be confused with the other Patterson (James), who, while fun, does not come close to the intricacy and interesting ethical examinations that are typical Richard North Patterson. I had already read his classic Protect and Defend, which features Kerry Kilcannon, as U. S. president. This work takes place earlier. Kerry' brother Senator James Kilcannon is running for president, and is shot by an assassin. The book consists of a series of points-of view and begins with the satellite television broadcast of a kidnapping. Alexis Parnell, wife of a very wealthy communications magnate, is abducted from her tennis court while playing with her husband. The ransom demand is delivered by television to the world. Five million dollars is to be paid by Stacy Tarrant, a popular singer and former girlfriend of the slain Kilcannon, for in return for the lives of John Damone and Alexis Parnell. It turns out that all the major characters are linked, and through a series of flashbacks from different perspectives we are introduced to Tony Lord, attorney for Harry Carson, ex-Vietnam veteran, who was Kilcannon's assassin. Lord had been responsible for getting Carson off despite his obvious guilt. Lord, anxious to do the best he can for his client, begins an investigation into the lives of former Vietnam vets. On the surface, Carson appears to have killed Kilcannon because the senator, as a student, had been resisting the war while Carson was in Vietnam active duty. There was never any question of his guilt; he shot Kilcannon on stage in front of thousands. To complicate things, $400,000 of money being raised for the senator at the concert was stolen, and the prosecutor thinks that Carson was part of a conspiracy to steal the money, and the assassination was just part of the plan. John Damone, Stacy's manager, had also been in Vietnam and had been a friend in Carson's unit. He was responsible for Carson's hiring at Stacy's concert where Kilcannon was killed. Lord thinks Carson was driven insane by his experiences in Vietnam. "The war's like a fault line. . . .Take your pet cat and start lobbing hand grenades all around him -- by nightfall you've got a different cat." Much of the result hinges on the reluctant testimony of John Damone. It seems they both had been part of a CIA special assassination squad. A subplot that appears to have no relation, but ultimately has a terribly crucial part, is the kidnapping of the Parnell's son many years before. Parnell had refused to pay ransom for his estranged son, whom he believed might have had a bizarre relationship with Alexis. In any case, the son disappears and is presumed dead. Most of the book is a long flashback into the trial of Carson and the interpersonal relationships that developed because of the trial. Patterson builds the tension very nicely and the careful reader can begin to suspect who the culprit is, although the end of the book throws a nice curve.

Itemize Books As Private Screening (Tony Lord #1)

Original Title: Private Screening
ISBN: 0345912667 (ISBN13: 9780345912664) URL
Series: Tony Lord #1

Rating Of Books Private Screening (Tony Lord #1)
Ratings: 3.66 From 1452 Users | 56 Reviews

Notice Of Books Private Screening (Tony Lord #1)
Richard North Patterson sits on my list of top authors along with Ed McBain, Ginger Scott, Debbie Macomber, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and a few non-fiction writers. I hadn't realized that this particular book had gotten past me. I thought I'd read all of RNP's earlier works. As it turns out, I somehow missed this first Tony Lord novel. Private Screening tells the story of the assassination of Presidential hopeful James Kilcannon (Kerry Kilcannon, younger brother of James, is the subject of a

I so enjoyed reading Silent Witness Patterson's first book about Tony Lord that I was really looking forward to reading this one. So far it has been a struggle with much confusion over frequent flashbacks from multiple characters. It has been very difficult to keep track of who is who and what has happened when. From reading other people's reviews, I gather I am not alone in feeling this way and that it should get better after I reach page 150. Here's hoping!It was indeed a challenge to get to

This book was great after the first hundred and fifty pages. My major complaint about the story is the use of flashback with no warning. Along those lines, Patterson included WAY too much backstory. I felt like he would have done better to write this story in two installments. The trial and the initial kidnappings had so many flashbacks I was confused throughout most of the beginning of the book. There was never any warning when a character was going to flashback, and I often found myself

My grade: B-. This is my 2nd Patterson book. I liked the first one a lot and picked this because I suspected I'd like the protagonist, Tony Lord. He's written two books about Tony, so I figured he must be a favorite. I did like Tony. The story is really two stories in one. They were decent and they did keep me guessing for the whole book and did have a couple of surprises. I do like it when the author is able to surprise me. Some of the secondary characters I didn't like so well, in particular

Another classic Patterson, not to be confused with the other Patterson (James), who, while fun, does not come close to the intricacy and interesting ethical examinations that are typical Richard North Patterson. I had already read his classic Protect and Defend, which features Kerry Kilcannon, as U. S. president. This work takes place earlier. Kerry' brother Senator James Kilcannon is running for president, and is shot by an assassin. The book consists of a series of points-of view and begins

Lots of plot twists, maybe too twisty at times, but overall an absorbing read. Some well-developed characters, but some very one-dimensional, eg. Lords wifes petty narcissism. Was it only to give him the excuse to stray? Great Bay Area location. A lot of coincidences, convenient for moving the story along. Entertaining, but not that serious. Would read another, but when I need escape reading rather than reading for enlightenment or depth.

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