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Point Epithetical Books The Anatomy of Melancholy

Title:The Anatomy of Melancholy
Author:Robert Burton
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 1392 pages
Published:April 30th 2001 by NYRB Classics (first published 1621)
Categories:Philosophy. Psychology. Nonfiction. Classics. Writing. Essays. Science
Download Free The Anatomy of Melancholy  Books Full Version
The Anatomy of Melancholy Paperback | Pages: 1392 pages
Rating: 4.18 | 1280 Users | 136 Reviews

Narration During Books The Anatomy of Melancholy

One of the major documents of modern European civilization, Robert Burton's astounding compendium, a survey of melancholy in all its myriad forms, has invited nothing but superlatives since its publication in the seventeenth century. Lewellyn Powys called it "the greatest work of prose of the greatest period of English prose-writing," while the celebrated surgeon William Osler declared it the greatest of medical treatises. And Dr. Johnson, Boswell reports, said it was the only book that he rose early in the morning to read with pleasure. In this surprisingly compact and elegant new edition, Burton's spectacular verbal labyrinth is sure to delight, instruct, and divert today's readers as much as it has those of the past four centuries.

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Original Title: The Anatomy of Melancholy
ISBN: 0940322668 (ISBN13: 9780940322660)
Edition Language: English

Rating Epithetical Books The Anatomy of Melancholy
Ratings: 4.18 From 1280 Users | 136 Reviews

Judgment Epithetical Books The Anatomy of Melancholy
This incredibly rich and strange book - as Shakespeare might have called it - was my go-to literary comfort food in the late 60s. For I had discovered the richness and strangeness of Elizabethan writing.Who now remembers the play Friar Bacon and Bungay (a riot, perhaps, to the guys in the pit of Elizabethan theatres, but nowadays too glaringly ham-fisted in its prejudices)? Who remembers Edmund Spensers sword-n-sorcery epic, The Faerie Queen (a triumphant apotheosis of an aggressively Protestant

The Struggle of Logic Against DepressionI have finally finished a careful reading of Robert Burton's "Anatomy of Melancholy," along with a wonderful book by Ruth Fox, "The Tangled Chain: The Structure of Disorder in the Anatomy of Melancholy."This is part of my ongoing project to read maximalist fiction -- really, to read the longest, most complex books I can find. There is a tradition according to which Burton belongs with Milton and Shakespeare in the 17th century canon. I haven't been able to

TAKE THE 4 HUMOURS PERSONALITY QUIZ!Back before the practitioners of the "Scientific Method" spread all their lies, human medicine was based on more sound and simple principles. In the olden days, when they weren't being obscured by deceitful conspirators, the Four Humours were known to be the vital fluids sustaining our life functions. All human maladies could be traced to an imbalance in these internal liquids, except for obvious stuff like a broken leg or getting hit by lightning, which

As Nathan "Nautical Rigging"* Gaddis would say, "the check is in the mail."*Variations I considered:-Nauseating Rigormortis-Necromaniacal Reprobate-Nifty Ratcatcher-Nearly Rabelais-Nice Rebound!-Nasty Ricecake-Normal, Reasonable-Natal Reading-NAFTA Reformer-Nested Russian-doll-Naissant Rabbi-Narcoleptic Raccoon-Nectariferous Riodinidae-Nemoral Rabbit-Nephroidal Ragamuffin-Nominative Rhotic-Noumenal Reality-Nuciform Rostrum-Nubiform Retina-Neuropathic Recluse-Nude Rugbier-Necrotic Rosicrucian

While Nathan N.R. is in Bermuda sluicing sand out of his thong (remember, hes over twenty-five stone and has seven buttocks), lets talk sensibly about this book, but mostly, about English pre-1800s. Reading any English novel of the 1700s or earlier is extremely unpleasurable. The language is sufficiently, infuriatingly different to our present-day English, or even 19thC English, forcing the reader to re-learn an old style used by our forefathers. Verily, words order are, often truly commingled

At one point (ahead of his section on symptoms) Burton cautions melancholics not to read his book, for fear of the contagion of ideas -- just such as he discusses for the melancholic imagination. I see this book called a perpetual delight for its charms of prose and its magpie learning, but it is about the ills of the human condition and, you know, quite sad. It may be a companion to melancholics; it may be close to the bone and hard to read. I have just perused his pages on suicide (within the

A favorite of Samuel Johnson, rather insane look at pretty much every possible cause of this condition. Huge, repetitive, big hearted, inconsistent, Burton genuinely cares for humanity and seems to feel this work by synthesizing what the leading thinkers have said about anything even remotely related to the topic is going to help others. I particularly enjoyed the topic of love and all the artful wiles put to use by both men and women to entice and entrap the opposite sex. He comes to the

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