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Original Title: Le Vin de solitude
ISBN: 8845925668 (ISBN13: 9788845925665)
Edition Language: Italian URL
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Il vino della solitudine Paperback | Pages: 245 pages
Rating: 3.56 | 1322 Users | 179 Reviews

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Title:Il vino della solitudine
Author:Irène Némirovsky
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Biblioteca Adelphi #569
Pages:Pages: 245 pages
Published:March 23rd 2011 by Adelphi (first published 1935)
Categories:Fiction. Historical. Historical Fiction. Cultural. France. Classics. European Literature. French Literature

Narration Toward Books Il vino della solitudine

Il vino della solitudine è il più autobiografico e il più personale dei grandi romanzi di Irène Némirovsky: la quale, pochi giorni prima di essere arrestata, stilando l'elenco delle sue opere sul retro del quaderno di Suite francese, accanto a questo titolo scriveva: «Di Irène Némirovsky per Irène Némirovsky». Non sarà difficile, in effetti, riconoscere nella piccola Hélène, che siede a tavola dritta e composta per evitare gli aspri rimproveri della madre, la stessa Irène; e nella bella donna che a cena sfoglia le riviste di moda appena arrivate da Parigi in quella noiosa cittadina dell'impero russo – che trascura una figlia poco amata per il giovane cugino, oggetto invece di una furente passione – quella Fanny Némirovsky che ha fatto dell'infanzia di Irène un deserto senza amore. Hélène detesta la madre con tutte le sue forze (e si sente morire all'idea di dover posare la bocca su quella guancia che vorrebbe «lacerare con le unghie»), al punto da sostituirne il nome, nelle preghiere serali, con quello dell'amata istitutrice, «con una vaga speranza omicida». Verrà un giorno, però, in cui la madre comincerà a invecchiare, e Hélène avrà diciott'anni: accadrà a Parigi, dove la famiglia si è stabilita dopo la guerra e la rivoluzione di ottobre e la fuga attraverso le vaste pianure gelate della Russia e della Finlandia, durante la quale l'adolescente ha avuto per la prima volta «la consapevolezza del suo potere di donna». Allora sembrerà giunto alfine per lei il momento della vendetta: «Ti farò piangere come tu hai fatto piangere me!». Ma Hélène non è sua madre – e forse sceglierà una strada diversa: quella di una solitudine «aspra e inebriante». Da un'infanzia infelice, diceva Irène Némirovsky, non si guarisce mai: pochi hanno saputo raccontare quell'infelicità come ha fatto lei.

Rating Out Of Books Il vino della solitudine
Ratings: 3.56 From 1322 Users | 179 Reviews

Write-Up Out Of Books Il vino della solitudine
This is clearly an early Nemirovsky work but her talent is breathtaking. It's just so depressing though! I was reading it right along the time of many recent disclosures of sexual abuse and older men taking advantage of girls so it made me angry. I wanted to go back and save the young Irene (or whatever name she'd given a fictionalized version of herself). Was there anyone likable in this novel, other than poor Mademoiselle? I told myself that the writer did go on to find happiness, but then I'd

I like the way Nemirovsky writes in clear, straight-forward prose. The characterizations are good, too. There is a lot of interior dialogue, and by that I dont mean stream of consciousness. We are given a lot of Helenes thoughts. Through emotional neglect, she has a lot of negative opinions about those surrounding her.But my gosh, I never saw so many shallow people in one book in my life! Helenes mother, Bella, does nothing and cares for nothing other than her appearance and whether a man pays

Hmmm, a strange story, I wonder why it was written. We have a child, ignored by her parents, stewing for twenty years, gradually thawing as she pities her parents as they age. Neither parent quite deserves any sympathy, both are selfish in their different ways. Makes me wonder if the globe trotting life of Russian oligarchs is still the same a hundred years later.

I think this book should've been called The Wine of Loneliness Which Leads to a Drunken Need for Revenge.Catchy, non?This might be my favourite Némirovsky reading experience. The descriptions (especially of nature) were beautiful. The cover says this is the most autobiographical of her novels. Which is sad, regarding what happens, but also makes me think she was writing with a sense of nostalgia. But she wrote in such a way that connected with some of my memories, so there were times I was

A beautifully written novel that evokes a remote place and time a hundred years ago, and the girl growing up in it as she wavers between hope and spite. Wonderful descriptions and good reading.

I started this book with a feeling of dread, as this is the last known novel by Nemirovsky I havent read yet I purposefully wanted to leave her biography until the end and now I was dreading that end. According to her biographers, Wine of Solitude resembles Nemirovskys life and character development to some extent, although her circumstances have been highly fictionalized. Both her prose and her knowledge of human heart are brilliant:Boris Karol would shout, and then stop shouting, for

Irene Nemirovsky was indeed a talented author; she died in Auschwitz in 1942 so we can only imagine what wonders she would have written if she had survived. "The Wine of Solitude" follows the childhood of a young girl born into a complete train wreck of a family, an mother who verbally abuses her and a father hooked on gambling and speculating as opposed to fatherhood. Her father leaves Kiev and makes a fortune in St. Petersburg eventually moving his wife and daughter there where they become

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