Books Wolfsangel (The Wolfsangel Cycle #1) Online Free Download

List About Books Wolfsangel (The Wolfsangel Cycle #1)

Title:Wolfsangel (The Wolfsangel Cycle #1)
Author:M.D. Lachlan
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:UK Edition
Pages:Pages: 448 pages
Published:May 20th 2010 by Gollancz
Categories:Fantasy. Historical. Historical Fiction. Shapeshifters. Werewolves. Fiction. Mythology. Horror
Books Wolfsangel (The Wolfsangel Cycle #1) Online Free Download
Wolfsangel (The Wolfsangel Cycle #1) Hardcover | Pages: 448 pages
Rating: 3.5 | 1242 Users | 196 Reviews

Relation In Pursuance Of Books Wolfsangel (The Wolfsangel Cycle #1)

The Viking King Authun leads his men on a raid against an Anglo-Saxon village. Men and women are killed indiscriminately but Authun demands that no child be touched. He is acting on prophecy. A prophecy that tells him that the Saxons have stolen a child from the Gods. If Authun, in turn, takes the child and raises him as an heir, the child will lead his people to glory. But Athun discovers not one child, but twin baby boys. Ensuring that his faithful warriors, witness to what has happened, die during the raid Authun takes the children and their mother home, back to the witches who live on the troll wall. And he places his destiny in their hands. And so begins a stunning multi-volume fantasy epic that will take a werewolf from his beginnings as the heir to a brutal viking king, down through the ages. It is a journey that will see him hunt for his lost love through centuries and lives, and see the endless battle between the wolf, Odin and Loki - the eternal trickster - spill over into countless bloody conflicts from our history, and over into our lives. This is the myth of the werewolf as it has never been told before and marks the beginning of an extraordinary new fantasy series from Gollancz.

Point Books Supposing Wolfsangel (The Wolfsangel Cycle #1)

Original Title: Wolfsangel
ISBN: 0575089571 (ISBN13: 9780575089570)
Edition Language: English
Series: The Wolfsangel Cycle #1

Rating About Books Wolfsangel (The Wolfsangel Cycle #1)
Ratings: 3.5 From 1242 Users | 196 Reviews

Judge About Books Wolfsangel (The Wolfsangel Cycle #1)
(Re-posted from back and forthed about buying this book for the longest time. When it was only newly released I dismissed it mostly because of its cover. But then I read some good reviews of it. But then I read some bad reviews. But then I read a really good review that made it sound right up my alley, and I came really close to buying it then. But then the author came over all passive aggressive on twitter over a mildly poor review of his book, and it turned

I have my cavils with the quality of Lachlan's prose, but he's managed to write a gripping and reasonably original historical/fantasy novel layered with real-world folklore and a hauntingly strange conception of magic. Good stuff, if a bit heavy on those Herculean ordeals and struggles against all odds for my taste. I'll definitely read the sequel(s).

M.D. Lachlan brings us a story from the North, where a Prince falls in love with a farmers daughter and goes to the far ends of the earth to rescue her from slavery. Vali is the Prince in question, a boy stolen by King Athun under the influence of prophecy. What begins as a straightforward tale of Viking politics and berserker raiding as Vali grows from boy to man becomes infinitely more rewarding a novel dealing with secretive magic and an everlasting battle between the Gods Odin and Loki.The

MD Lachlan has become one of only three authors I can name who have magically blended the historical world of vikings with that of norse mythology. He now joins the ranks of my favourite norse fantasy authors being Betsy Tobin with her fantastic Ice Land and Joanne Harris with Runemarks.He grasps the reader by the hand in a firm yet gentle grip of storytelling that enchants the reader as much as the characters of Vali, Fealig and Adilsa are bound by fates, magic and the gods of war and mischief.

My thoughts:I heard some buzz about this book and got intrigued, Vikings, magic and werewolves, that sure caught my attention. It isn't the easiest book to describe; it is a strange book, like a dream or a tale told long ago by the people living in the North. There Lachlan succeeded, I did feel the Norse Sagas over this story.The book is dark and brutal. It tells the story of two boys, Vale who grows up not wanting to fight, and falling for a farmgirl. He is to become the Big Bad Wolf that can

I have to confess I didn't finish this so take my rating with that in mind.I found the start of this story where the lead was the king Authun engrossing. The culture depicted was so different to what I'm used to. I can't say I liked the world that was shown but it was intriguing Then the lead changed to his son, Vali, and so did the tone. Vali's view of the world was much too modern for me. I didn't find it realistic given how he would have been raised. It also felt a bit clumsy, as if the

First in the Craw Trilogy fantasy series involving Nordic myth about Odin and a wolf. My Take Oh lord, this story was so convoluted! I gave up trying to make sense of it and just read it to get it over with. There is a very nice summing up at the very end. You might want to read that before you start this story so you have some idea what is happening. I'd like to say it's well-written and the descriptions are gorgeous, but Lachlan is trying too hard to be mysterious and simply leaves the reader

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