Books Download Online Plan B (Liaden Universe #11) Free

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Original Title: Plan B (Liaden Universe book #10)
ISBN: 0441010539 (ISBN13: 9780441010530)
Edition Language: English
Series: Liaden Universe #11, Liaden Universe Publication Order #4, Liaden #4 , more
Characters: Miri Robertson, Val Con yos’Phelium, Nova yos'Galan
Books Download Online Plan B (Liaden Universe #11) Free
Plan B (Liaden Universe #11) Paperback | Pages: 336 pages
Rating: 4.41 | 2302 Users | 81 Reviews

Identify About Books Plan B (Liaden Universe #11)

Title:Plan B (Liaden Universe #11)
Author:Sharon Lee
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 336 pages
Published:April 29th 2003 by Ace (first published February 1999)
Categories:Science Fiction. Space. Space Opera. Fantasy. Fiction

Chronicle To Books Plan B (Liaden Universe #11)

Too much fun! Among the best in this enormous series so far. Somewhat a fave, I read it repeatedly, but only give it 4.5 ⭐️stars because of the abrupt scene hopping. This is a mixed genre: Space opera with magic. I enjoyed the character redemption, the reunion of brothers, the brief battle scenes, and the tastefully handled sex scene.

One of the prequels, "Agent of Change" is FREE on Amazon, and at I also enjoyed the sequel, I Dare.

In Plan B, while Anthora, Merlin the cat, Jeeves, and Tree🌳 guard Jelaza Kazone from the murderous Department of the Interior, nearly everyone else from Clan Korval is converging against the Klingon-like Yxtrang warriors on planet Lytaxin. Lytaxin is the far-flung planet where Clan Erob settled. Clan Erob are the red-haired wizardly descendants of Rool Tiazan from about 1000 years ago (a guess, author aren't clear on dates).

"Erob is Korval's most ancient ally. The family diaries speak of Rool Tiazan and his life mate, leaders of the dramliz, who chose to evacuate the Old World on the ship piloted by Cantra yos'Phelium.".

Main characters: Val Con and Miri on Lytaxin; Shan and Priscilla on Dutiful Passage. Another key character is a Yxtrang (Nelirikk, aka Beautiful, aka No Troop, aka Explorer). Does this book suggest the inception of a Z-Strain, to outwit the misguided Yxtrang?

Secondary characters: Edger and Sheather (the Clutch turtles), Nova, Anthora, Commander Angela "Liz" Lizardi, Commander Jason Carmody, Clan Erob family members (including young Alys), Rusty, Seth, Gordy on Dutiful Passage, and a few more beloved characters.

Delighted at how this story links back to the beginning duology Crystal Soldier and Crystal Dragon, especially the connections to Rool Tiazan and Jela. I love ❤️Jela!

Some surprises, some wins, some sad losses. The battle scenes are a bit blurred at times, but that's okay — I'm not too keen on knowing all the details of tactical operations. I thought the scenes where the (view spoiler)[ ancient Dragon's Tooth military device engaged the enemy battleship (hide spoiler)] were clever and sufficiently detailed.

And FINALLY, in this particular sequel, things progressed as I always thought they should, in terms of Jela's sentient tree (view spoiler)[. The ssussdriad had indeed reproduced. A seedling from Jela's tree grows at the Erob / Tiazan holdings, on Lytaxin. More seedlings are kept in stasis, in many Korval ships. (hide spoiler)] But where is there a forest of trees?

Quibbles: Too much POV hopping, with cliffhanger breaks at each scene. Some game-changing acts by goddesses and wizards. Not crazy about the whole goddess and magic trope.

Rating About Books Plan B (Liaden Universe #11)
Ratings: 4.41 From 2302 Users | 81 Reviews

Write Up About Books Plan B (Liaden Universe #11)
A familiar old friend. The third/fourth book in the series depending where you think the beginning is. I love the Liaden universe. This is great space opera with a strong romance. Things are heating up and the rest of Korval is getting involved in the machinations of the Department of the Interior. I reread this nearly every year. If you like sci fi or sci fi romance you should read this series.

It's been a while since I've read an intentionally mindless piece of fiction with a simple linear structure, and this one was surprisingly nice. I have no background with this series and honestly was just here for the ride, but this felt like an entertaining blockbuster movie in literary form.

This is possibly my favorite of the 'Agent of Change' set. I really love Pat Rin.

Rated it lower than some of the other books because of some tedious sections during the battle at the end of the book.

Another fun romp through the Liaden universe. The constantly changing scenes were sometimes confusing partly because this is a very hard book to savor and pay attention to. You just want to know what happens next darn it! There some lovely scenes with Mira and Val Con - this life mating business is interesting. It certainly seems that a bit of dramliza blood on both sides makes a lot more possible. I have to say there is nothing more sexy than Val Con purring, "Together, cha'trez, we are... hell

Maybe the best Liaden book yet. I loved it

Korval's motto:"I dare" - thank you Sharon Lee & Steve Miller for "daring" to craft this wonderful universe, filled with characters who espouse the honor, character of heart, and decency that we all should emulate. 4/23/16 re-read: Such a great novel, a "beautiful" story, well worthy of the "explorer"!

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