Books The Death of Vishnu (The Hindu Gods #1) Download Free

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Original Title: The Death of Vishnu
ISBN: 006000438X (ISBN13: 9780060004385)
Edition Language: English
Series: The Hindu Gods #1
Literary Awards: Booker Prize Nominee for Longlist (2001), PEN/Hemingway Foundation Award Nominee (2002), PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction Nominee (2002), PEN/Robert W. Bingham Prize (2002), McKitterick Prize (2002) Kiriyama Prize Nominee for Fiction (2001), Corine Internationaler Buchpreis for Rolf Heyne Buchpreis (2001)
Books The Death of Vishnu (The Hindu Gods #1) Download Free
The Death of Vishnu (The Hindu Gods #1) Paperback | Pages: 301 pages
Rating: 3.62 | 8545 Users | 588 Reviews

Rendition To Books The Death of Vishnu (The Hindu Gods #1)

Manil Suri's comic prose and imaginative language transport readers to the petty squabbles and unrelenting conflicts of modern-day India. At the center of the narrative is the character of Vishnu, an aging alcoholic houseboy on the precipice of death, who lies, penniless, on the bottom step of a middle-class Bombay apartment house. While Vishnu appears to face his impending death placidly and philosophically, a maelstrom swirls around him. The residents of the building include a reclusive widower mourning the untimely death of his young wife, a Moslem family coping with the daily prejudices of their Hindu neighbors, and two families who unhappily share a kitchen. Worlds collide when the Moslem family's son elopes with the Hindu family's daughter, and Mr. Jalal, the Moslem family patriarch, apparently flips his wig, recognizing Vishnu not as their dying houseboy but as the deity whose name he bears, with the power to save. And when Mr. Jalal is found sleeping on the stairs beside Vishnu, he becomes the scapegoat for the building's many ills. In its frenetic and hilarious conclusion, The Death of Vishnu trumpets the arrival of an extremely gifted Indian writer, bringing to spectacular life the tempestuous chaos that is life in India today.
(Winter 2001 Selection)

Identify Containing Books The Death of Vishnu (The Hindu Gods #1)

Title:The Death of Vishnu (The Hindu Gods #1)
Author:Manil Suri
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 301 pages
Published:January 1st 2002 by Harper Perennial (first published 2001)
Categories:Fiction. Cultural. India. Asian Literature. Indian Literature. Asia

Rating Containing Books The Death of Vishnu (The Hindu Gods #1)
Ratings: 3.62 From 8545 Users | 588 Reviews

Critique Containing Books The Death of Vishnu (The Hindu Gods #1)
My rating - 3/5Wanted to read this since 2008 because of a friend's strong recommendation. She read it in our college library, which consisted mostly of religious texts (and academics!) and discouraged other forms of fiction. This book somehow landed in the library because of its misleading title. Its not based on Indian Gods or mythology, only brushes upon them.An alcoholic named Vishnu lays dying on the staircase of a middle class Mumbai apartment, causing all the mumbo jumbo and hoopla's in

Vishnu lives on the landing between two flights of stairs in a Bombay apartment building. Suri paints a broad portrait here, with many characters, each with a story to tell. Class is a major focus, building levels being indications, and there is the sort of bickering that seems annoying and comic at the same time. There was much in here about religion, how ones life takes odd turns, what is real, what is the proper path. It was a rich book, My problem with it was most likely of my own making. I

Pretty good mixing of the comic and the brutal. Indian society=a low-down venal place. I loved the ending. Very funny ... I assume that the blue guy was Vishnu(the god).

An impulse buy, but one which I am glad I have tried. This is a fascinating tale of a group of neighbours in a Bombay (sorry, Mumbai) building. It is a tale of bickering wives, demurring husbands, kitty parties, irani tea houses, paanwallas and cigarettewallas, and everything one needs to understand life at the bottom of the middle class in an Indian city. The lives of the residents intertwine and range from comic (2 wives sharing one kitchen is bound to lead to bickering) to tragic (the

Could not finish. Found characters loathsome, cartoonish, or both. Suspect accolades were a function of late 90s PC/ethnic trendiness among the liberal arts / Trader Joes set. Was unsurprised to find that the author is actually a math professor, given that his characters "exclaim" and "declare" rather than simply say what they need to say (which is usually predictable).FWIW I did however have a craving for samosas when reading this. Maybe trader joes sells? ;) I no longer have easy access to the

I loved this book. It is unique in the way it explores and reveals its characters, little by little advancing their lives and motivations. At first they are all stiltedly referred to by their formal names, Mr. Jalal, Mrs. Asrani. As we get to know them, to look at them through their own eyes and through the eyes of those closest to them, we see they become less stereotypical and more personal.To me, the story is about love and marriage, what it means and how it develops and grows--or fails to.

Her skin is silver in the light floating in from outside, smooth and glistening like the surface of a freshly caught pomfret. An apartment building in the metropolis of Bombay on a random day. The handyman Vishnu, who lives in the stairway, lies unconscious, perhaps dying, on the landing. Is Vishnu an incarnation of the eponymous god that maintains the universe? Although the residents each try to live on their own island, Vishnu unintentionally brings them together. The dreams, memories,

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