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Present Epithetical Books The Corinthian

Title:The Corinthian
Author:Georgette Heyer
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 233 pages
Published:November 23rd 2004 by Arrow (first published 1940)
Categories:Romance. Historical. Historical Fiction. Historical Romance. Regency. Fiction. Regency Romance
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The Corinthian Paperback | Pages: 233 pages
Rating: 4 | 9982 Users | 760 Reviews

Representaion During Books The Corinthian

The only question which hangs over the life of Sir Richard Wyndham, notable whip, dandy and Corinthian, is one of marriage. On the eve of making the most momentous decision of his life, while he is contemplating a loveless marriage with a woman his friends have compared to a cold poultice, he is on his way home, a little worse for drink, and finds a perfect opportunity for escape by her boring destiny.

He discovers a beautiful young fugitive climbing out of a window by means of knotted sheets, dressed in boy's clothing lovely Penelope Creed is fleeing from London. She is a brilliant London heires with and lavish life, and a proposed marriage to her repulsive fish-lipped cousin, a man she loathed. She has a shimmering dream of a love she had known once--and lost. Discovered by Sir Wyndham, he can't allow her to travel to the countryside all alone, so he offers himself as her protector.

And with her in flight across a landscape of excitement was a man like no other she had known-- handsome, sophisticated, but cynical. They had met by accident, been drawn together by danger. And now only his masked emotions and the shifting impulses of her own wild young heart would tell what their destiny would be.... When their stagecoach overturns, they find themselves embroiled with thieves, at the center of a murder investigation, and finally, in love.

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Original Title: The Corinthian
ISBN: 0099468085 (ISBN13: 9780099468080)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Penelope Creed, Sir Richard Wyndham

Rating Epithetical Books The Corinthian
Ratings: 4 From 9982 Users | 760 Reviews

Rate Epithetical Books The Corinthian
4.5In case you need something light, wonderful, witty and well written, then look no further. I really liked The Corinthian.Unlike some of Heyer's other stories where you have to wait until everyone and their mother is introduced (and their situation), there aren't any delays here. The introduction to Sir Richard and his family's wishes is done in a couple of pages. You even get to meet the woman everyone (except him, his brother-in-law and the woman's brother) expects to marry. The story

Sir Richard Wyndham, a noted Corinthian, has reached his 29th year without ever seriously thinking about marriage. Now his mother and sister are pressuring him into offering for the woman his father promised him too in childhood. Not being too keen on the idea of marriage or helping the lady's family out of debt, Richard heads to White's and gets exceedingly drunk before planning his marriage proposal the next day. One the way home, a youth drops out of a window into his arms. The youth turns

Enjoyable.I like the way this author uses sooo much dialogue. Its good.The audiobook narrator Georgina Sutton was good - even though she had some weirdness in some of the voices.DATA:Narrative mode: 3rd person. Swearing language: none. Sexual content: none. Setting: England. Book copyright: 1940. Genre: historical romance.

Love Georgette Heyer but this novel wasnt one of my favorites. Didnt feel like the two belonged together.

If you've ever read Oscar Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest" and have seen Julie Andrews play Maria von Trapp in "The Sound of Music," then you know you'll be in for a treat with this book!Several of Wilde's plays were known for their remarkable wit and comical plot twists and in "The Corinthian" Heyer matches, and quite possibly surpasses, these wonderfully. I was anticipating a straight-forward little adventure story so was surprised and delighted with how many times the plot circled

Lots of smiles for this light-hearted romp, even before the ingenue climbs out a window disguised as a boy. And there's stolen diamonds, too! :D

I've given this an A+ for narration and B+ for content at AAR, so probably nearer 5 stars than 4.One of the best things about listening to new audio versions of older books is becoming reacquainted with stories I read many more years ago than I care to count! Georgette Heyers The Corinthian is not a title Ive re-read over the years, so coming back to it in audio was almost like experiencing a new book. And a terrific experience it was!The story is one with which any regular Regency reader is

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