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Identify Regarding Books Viaţa elfilor

Title:Viaţa elfilor
Author:Muriel Barbery
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 280 pages
Published:November 4th 2015 by Nemira (first published March 11th 2015)
Categories:Fantasy. Fiction. Cultural. France
Download Viaţa elfilor  Books For Free
Viaţa elfilor Paperback | Pages: 280 pages
Rating: 2.75 | 2532 Users | 494 Reviews

Rendition As Books Viaţa elfilor

Such a disappointment. "The Elegance of the Hedgehog" is one of my favorite books. It doesn't seem possible that the same author has written "The Life of Elves." It doesn't seem possible that I'm giving Muriel Barbery one star but I have to.

First off, this book should come with a warning that it is part one of a two-part series. Having pre-ordered it I had no idea. As I write this I see it is not possible for you to read a sample of the book, which is unfortunate; a sample is essential for this particular book. A sample would allow you to see that this 258-page book, which is nowhere said to be part one of two, requires a two-page "Index of Characters." Even with the index it's hard to keep some straight. And a sample would introduce you to Barbery's sometimes lyrical, mostly florid, over-the-top prose.

It's a strange book, ambitious and incoherent. The story, of two girls of odd birth (we don't find out exactly who they are until the end of the book, which I think was a bad choice) blessed with gifts. Clara in Italy has visions when she plays the piano. Maria in France (via Spain, for reasons not explained) has a deep connection to nature and can see the bridge between the human world and that of the elves. Each is surrounded by diverse adults, some of whom are intriguing but many of whom had me thumbing back to the index.. The backdrop is a battle for the earth with some elves versus humans; at stake is our natural world. Clara and Maria, being of both worlds, are needed to save the human world by using their gifts and bridging the gap. There are priests in both places who play important roles, and that's another odd element; priests and elves are not usually to be found in the same book, let alone conversing. Priests versus elves is just bizarre.

And then there's that florid prose. This is Muriel Barbery and her writing is naturally tender and beautiful but in "The Life of Elves" it almost always goes over the top and is often inscrutable. Thus this sample is too long by necessity, as it represents a typical passage in the book:

"The constant flow of guests in the family home had followed her to the house she shared with the Maestro, and she continued to receive her guests in the same singular manner as in her own home; no one walked behind her through the galleries but rather were arranged employing a geometry that knew nothing of straight lines: you adapted to the rolling and swaying of her movements; similarly, you didn't sit opposite her, you were seated around her according to geodesic coordinates which imprinted the contours of an invisible sphere upon the private space. Thus, while the guests dined, their gaze followed the network of curving lines embraced by her gestures, and when they left they took away with them some of Leonora's grace: she may not have been beautiful, but they found her sublime, something which, in this place of art, was highly unusual, because she was not a musician, nor did she paint or write, and she spent her days conversing with minds more brilliant than hers...

"...In every person, even those who have never been graced by caresses, there is a native awareness of love, and even those who have not yet loved will know of love from the consciousness of it that inhabits all bodies and all ages. Leonora did not walk, she glided, leaving behind her the wake of a riverboat, and with each gliding motion that broke down and reconstituted ambient air as silky as the sand on the riverbanks, Clara's heart came that bit closer to the knowledge it had always had of love."

I have cut some of this passage out as it goes on. And on. There were many times I didn't know what Barbery was trying to say and I don't think it's my failure to read it properly but rather, in this world of elves and priests and horses that are half boar or half rabbit, lies confusion not clarity, and the promise that even if you perfectly understand the meaning of it, and love it, you will be left with a cliffhanger and the hope that many mysteries are cleared up in the sequel.

Mention Books Supposing Viaţa elfilor

Original Title: La vie des elfes ISBN13 9786067585025
Edition Language: Romanian

Rating Regarding Books Viaţa elfilor
Ratings: 2.75 From 2532 Users | 494 Reviews

Judgment Regarding Books Viaţa elfilor
I almost want to challenge anybody to remember much about this book after they've finished it. it has an ethereal, dreamlike quality that I suspect was precisely the author's intent to convey, but this really works against the book, in my view. I spent the entirety of the journey feeling like I was shuffling through some kind of sleep fog. Characters utter things that are clearly supposed to be of great significance, but which meant nothing to me at all. There's lots of talk about "bridges",

As posted on Zezee with Books.I've found a new writer to admire.My thoughts:Indeed, I would not be surprised if, in the end, we find out that we are all the characters of some meticulous but mad novelist.Im in love with Barberys writing. The entire time I read, I was wrapped up in her prose: I admired how she structured her sentences, the words she used, and the descriptions she weaved throughout. Its all beautiful.The story is about two girls who must strengthen their powers before an impending

Although a book should not be judged by its cover, I believe that it can be judged by its title, at least prima facie, unless and until evidence to the contrary is provided. (I declined to read The Elegance of the Hedgehog because of my aversion to eye-catching, cutesy titles. It seems unlikely to me that a novel with such a title, more than 6 million sales and a plot concerning a wise concierge and a suicidal teen will be anything but "young adult" pulp?)The advance notices, however, about

I really wanted to love this!! And it looked and sounded like a book that I'd normally dive into and feel immediately swept up along in.... but that didn't happen and that makes me feel sad!It focuses on 2 little girls - one brought up in Spain, the other in Italy. And they both have a great role to play in the battle between good and evil in very different ways. There are glimpses of what this book was trying to get across, and the way it was written was beautiful in parts but for a lot of the

I'm still not sure what to make of this book.I've read Muriel Barbery's "The Elegance of the Hedgehog" and "Gourmet Rhapsody" and absolutely loved them, but struggled to finish this book. Is it a fairy tale? A fantasy? An allegory? None of the above?Two little girls are born on the same day and hour. One is adopted in France the other one in Italy. We later find out that they were taken to this countries to protect them. One is half elf half human and the other is an elf, but with human

Warning: Your tolerance level for airy-fairy prose must be: . . . to enjoy The Life of Elves.*I loved this book. I never read the "Hedgehog" book, which makes me one of a small minority on Goodreads. I chose this book because, well, I've always been an Elvish fan.I also loved John Crowley's Little Big and Mark Helprin's Winter's Tale. I was mesmerized by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince, another French to English translation. They all have that dreamy, sunny afternoon lazing in a

Such a disappointment. "The Elegance of the Hedgehog" is one of my favorite books. It doesn't seem possible that the same author has written "The Life of Elves." It doesn't seem possible that I'm giving Muriel Barbery one star but I have to.First off, this book should come with a warning that it is part one of a two-part series. Having pre-ordered it I had no idea. As I write this I see it is not possible for you to read a sample of the book, which is unfortunate; a sample is essential for this

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