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Title:No Less Than Victory (World War II: 1939-1945 #3)
Author:Jeff Shaara
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 449 pages
Published:November 3rd 2009 by Ballantine Books
Categories:Historical. Historical Fiction. Fiction. War. World War II. Military Fiction
Download Free No Less Than Victory (World War II: 1939-1945 #3) Books Full Version
No Less Than Victory (World War II: 1939-1945 #3) Hardcover | Pages: 449 pages
Rating: 4.27 | 4306 Users | 263 Reviews

Rendition Concering Books No Less Than Victory (World War II: 1939-1945 #3)

No Less Than Victory is the crowning achievement in master storyteller Jeff Shaara’s soaring World War II trilogy, revealing the European war’s unforgettable and harrowing final act.
After the success of the Normandy invasion, the Allied commanders are buoyantly confident that the war in Europe will be over in a matter of weeks, that Hitler and his battered army have no other option than surrender. But despite the advice of his best military minds, Hitler will hear no talk of defeat. In mid-December 1944, the Germans launch a desperate and ruthless counteroffensive in the Ardennes forest, utterly surprising the unprepared Americans who stand in their way. Through the frigid snows of the mountainous terrain, German tanks and infantry struggle to realize Hitler’s goal: divide the Allied armies and capture the vital port at Antwerp. The attack succeeds in opening up a wide gap in the American lines, and for days chaos reigns in the Allied command. Thus begins the Battle of the Bulge, the last gasp by Hitler’s forces that becomes a horrific slugging match, some of the most brutal fighting of the war. As American commanders respond to the stunning challenge, the German spear is finally blunted.

Though some in the Nazi inner circle continue the fight to secure Germany’s postwar future, the Führer makes it clear that he is fighting to the end. He will spare nothing–not even German lives–to preserve his twisted vision of a “Thousand Year Reich.” But in May 1945, the German army collapses, and with Russian troops closing in, Hitler commits suicide. As the Americans sweep through the German countryside, they unexpectedly encounter the worst of Hitler’s crimes, the concentration camps, and young GIs find themselves absorbing firsthand the horrors of the Holocaust.

Presenting his riveting account through the eyes of Eisenhower and Patton and the young GIs who struggle face-to-face with their enemy, and through the eyes of Germany’s old soldier, Gerd von Rundstedt, and Hitler’s golden boy, Albert Speer, Jeff Shaara carries the reader on a journey that defines the spirit of the soldier and the horror of a madman’s dreams.

List Books Supposing No Less Than Victory (World War II: 1939-1945 #3)

Original Title: No Less Than Victory
ISBN: 0345497929 (ISBN13: 9780345497925)
Edition Language: English
Series: World War II: 1939-1945 #3

Rating Based On Books No Less Than Victory (World War II: 1939-1945 #3)
Ratings: 4.27 From 4306 Users | 263 Reviews

Evaluate Based On Books No Less Than Victory (World War II: 1939-1945 #3)
Another page-turner by Jeff Shaara. I started this book on CD on a trip up north. The story of the soldiers fighting during the winter at the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge was so enthralling, the miles flew by. But I finished my trip only one-third of the way through the CDs, so I switched to the print version. The library book was no less exciting than the spoken one--minus the irritating fake German accent the reader assumed on dialog between German characters. This impressive war

This the best in what is an exceptional series. Shaara is brilliant.

I've raved about Jeff Shaara's historical fiction before and I won't let up this time either. Whether he is writing about the Civil War, World War II, or the American Revolution, I have always loved them. I think it's because of the way he relays the accurate history but in a style that is easy to absorb. He provides insights to the historical periods, helping the armchair historians to better understand what was happening and not bogging us down with the minutia of the moment. He also presents

I rarely find books that are historically about WWII that i Don't give a 5 star review to. I really enjoyed this one. Another fun read that describes the action from multiple points of view starting with about the Battle of the Bulge until the surrender of Germany.

I know the author's purpose in writing this book was to inform and educate. This book was great; it explained in great detail the turmoil of German and American soldiers during WWII by the author of 'No Less than VICTORY', Jeff Shaara, even though he interviewed veterans of this great war and specific operations and first person accounts in his book, everything explained in this book was fictitious as advertised in the title pages. This book was very interesting to because I love WWII history

Another of Jeff's amazing books. Throughout the story I felt like I was in the scene, not an observer or just reading about the scene but an actual participant. It's so horrible what happened in Europe during WWII. I was brought to tears when the American soldiers arrived at the camps. How is it that we don't seem to be able to learn from history but repeat the same insane acts against each other. Is this the human condition that will never change. If so, I want to drop out of the human race.

This is a fantastic way to learn about what went on in WW2. It is a bit tedious at times, but worth sticking with. This author makes it a story that is very believable and detailed. He tells the reader about leaderswhose names were familiar. To me, their roles in the war were unknown. I think this would be a good read for anyone who wants to know the details of this major event in history. I am ready to move on to another phase of the war.

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