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Original Title: Mémoires d'un fou
ISBN: 1843910004 (ISBN13: 9781843910008)
Edition Language: English
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Memoirs of a Madman Paperback | Pages: 86 pages
Rating: 3.67 | 722 Users | 65 Reviews

Describe Out Of Books Memoirs of a Madman

Title:Memoirs of a Madman
Author:Gustave Flaubert
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 86 pages
Published:March 1st 2003 by Hesperus Press (first published May 1838)
Categories:Classics. Fiction. Cultural. France. European Literature. French Literature. Literature. 19th Century. Novels

Narrative To Books Memoirs of a Madman

A captivating and evocative work, Memoirs of a Madman is one of Flaubert's earliest writings, and forms the basis for his highly renowned L'Education Sentimentale. As a young man looks back on the years that have brought him to "madness," he recalls the innocence of his boyhood and his fond belief that he was blessed with a mind of genius. Yet, painfully, wretchedly, he also recounts his all-too-sudden entry into the adult world. For the day he caught sight of a beautiful woman by the sea marked the end of his flamboyant philosophizing, and the beginning of a tragic coming of age.

Rating Out Of Books Memoirs of a Madman
Ratings: 3.67 From 722 Users | 65 Reviews

Weigh Up Out Of Books Memoirs of a Madman
Finalement! C'est le premier livre que j'ai lu en français, et de ce fait, je suis très fière de moi! Particulièrement parce que je ne parle pas très bien français. Et pour cette même raison, je ne vais pas écrire une critique dans la langue de Molière, mais je vais dire seulement que je ne regrette pas la lecture de ce roman! :)

A curious little series of essays, Memoirs of a Madman seems only to cover what many men experience upon reaching puberty. That most men do not attempt to put their experience into words is what distinguishes Flaubert from them, but also what distinguishes this work in its own right.While the style is gushing, the focal points for different sections of the text are like primary colours in an otherwise black and white scene. The sensuality described is mainly experienced through the eyes as well.

"There too, there was nothing but disappointment; for we return to earth, this icyearth where all fires die, all energy fades! By what steps can we return from theinfinite to the concrete? By what processes can poetry bow down without allowingitself to be broken? How can we shrink the giant who embraces the infinite?"Somewhat disjointed Flaubert juvenalia. It lacks the irony of later Flaubert, and suffers for it.

"All is thus darkness around man, all is empty and he would like something fixed-he himself spins through this vague immensity where he would like find a firm footing-he clings to everything and everything fails him; fatherland, freedom, belief, God, virtue, he has seized it all and it has fallen from his hands-like a madman who drops a crystal vase and laughs at all the fragments he has made." (Pg. 64)Warning: This amazing book could be hazardous to a fragile mental health.

İncecik bir kitap olmasına rağmen son derece zor bir okumaydı.Okumayı zorlaştıran şey kitabın dili değil de anlatımıydı.Cidden ismiyle münhasırdı.Sanki bir delinin hezeyanlarını anlattığı anlamsız cümleleri okur gibiydim.Hiç keyif almadım.

"La follia è il dubbio della ragione e forse è la ragione stessa che lo prova." Ho appena finito di leggere questa piccola perla. Personalmente l'ho trovato meraviglioso! Era il mio primo approccio all'autore e devo ammettere che sono davvero curiosa di ritrovare la sua maestria stilistica in qualche opera più matura. Scritto di un Flaubert molto giovane, pervaso da un pessimismo e un disincanto spaventosamente consapevoli. Critica all'uomo e all'eccessiva considerazione di se stesso; alla

I love Flaubert and there are some great sections in this, but there are also so many parts that seem very much the work of a teenager (so many pseudo-profound statements). The best chapter in the book comes immediately after the worst, and that's kinda of the story of this novella as there are so many groan worthy passages mixed in with some truly delightful ones. The last two chapters elevated this to 3 stars for me.

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