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Mention Books During Usagi Yojimbo, Vol. 1: The Ronin (Usagi Yojimbo #1)

Original Title: Usagi Yojimbo, Book 1: The Ronin
ISBN: 0930193350 (ISBN13: 9780930193355)
Edition Language: English
Series: Usagi Yojimbo #1
Download Free Books Usagi Yojimbo, Vol. 1: The Ronin (Usagi Yojimbo #1) Full Version
Usagi Yojimbo, Vol. 1: The Ronin (Usagi Yojimbo #1) Paperback | Pages: 144 pages
Rating: 4.14 | 3630 Users | 172 Reviews

List Containing Books Usagi Yojimbo, Vol. 1: The Ronin (Usagi Yojimbo #1)

Title:Usagi Yojimbo, Vol. 1: The Ronin (Usagi Yojimbo #1)
Author:Stan Sakai
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 144 pages
Published:1987 by Fantagraphics Books
Categories:Sequential Art. Comics. Graphic Novels. Fantasy. Manga. Fiction. Historical. Historical Fiction

Interpretation Conducive To Books Usagi Yojimbo, Vol. 1: The Ronin (Usagi Yojimbo #1)

Miyamoto Usagi is no Bugs Bunny. He's a rabbit bodyguard, a samurai who wanders the mountains, plains, and villages of a 17th-century Japan populated almost exclusively by anthropomorphic animals. Cats, snakes, rhinos, and ninja moles plot and fight their way across a land ravaged by civil war. The 10 stories in this first collection introduce Usagi, the evil Lord Hikiji, and a host of other characters. The stories themselves can stand alone, but taken together they begin to form an ongoing saga of treachery and revenge. Sometimes violent, sometimes funny, Usagi's adventures are filled with fascinating historical detail. The costumes, landscapes, and buildings are beautifully drawn, creating such a sense of realism it's easy to forget the hero is a rabbit. If you buy the first book in this series, you'll want the rest.

Rating Containing Books Usagi Yojimbo, Vol. 1: The Ronin (Usagi Yojimbo #1)
Ratings: 4.14 From 3630 Users | 172 Reviews

Comment On Containing Books Usagi Yojimbo, Vol. 1: The Ronin (Usagi Yojimbo #1)
I have avoided reading Usagi Yojimbo literally for years because while I'm generally pretty open-minded in my graphic novel reading and more than willing to cross genres, subject matter, etc. I admit, I do have certain biases I am just starting to get over. I've resisted reading both manga as a whole and those specific comics with a cartoonish, personified animal style forever because after being one of the only girls I knew who liked comic books for years, I accidentally turned into kind of a

I have wanted to dive into this series ever since I saw Usagi's action figure (a TMNT tie-in) back when God was a baby and dirt was new, oh so many years ago. So, why haven't I? The usual bs; lack of access, an epic TBR, fear of disappointment, etc., etc....Now, with a Comixology subscription and HA's A-Z challenge, it was time. So I read it, and it was good.Usagi may be an anthropomorphic rabbit, but this isn't a super-cartoony series in execution. It is more like Lone Wolf and Cub in tone,

While I've read bits and pieces of Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimbo, this is my first time reading through one of his graphic novels. Thanks to a birthday present, I have the first five or so volumes. The first one is terrific. I can see why Usagi Yojimbo is beloved by so many people. This collection is a weird mix of grim, silly, and even lonely stories of a ronin wandering turn-of-the-century Japan. One of the highlights was the chapter, Village of Fear, which was right up my alley as it takes a

The real struggles of a mundane character in a fantastic setting are the strengths of this series. Usagi Yojimbo is forced to contend with his past, and even consider how to sell his skills to poor peasants just to make ends meet. While his skills with the sword are extraordinary, time and again he exercises imperfect judgment in an effort to live up to his own ideals.

This is a rather weird book. On one hand, it's a book of cutesy anthropomorphic animals. On the other, the protagonist is a grim rabbit ronin, going around killing neer-do-wells. It's an anthology with short stories of Myamoto Usagi going around, working as a bodyguard, and being an all-round badass. He may be a bit too much of a badass - he hardly ever seems threatened himself. In general, though, the stories are entertaining, and the art is fine.

I started reading Usagi Yojimbo comics when the volume count was in the 20s, so I missed all of the early comics; I think if I had started with this first volume, I wouldnt know why people loved the series so much or how its managed to continue on to 28 volumes! Thats not to say that this first volume is crap, but it doesnt have that special quality to it that impels you on to pick up the next one and the next and so on. Stan Sakais legendary anthropomorphic rabbit character, Usagi Yojimbo

At times it felt a bit dated, but I liked almost all the little stories and the characters in there.It was funny, full of action,... what else do you need, right? ;)

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