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Original Title: The Taming (Peregrine, #1)
ISBN: 067174383X (ISBN13: 9780671743833)
Edition Language: English
Series: Peregrine #1
Characters: Rogan Peregrine, Liana Neville
Setting: England,1445
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The Taming (Peregrine #1) Paperback | Pages: 384 pages
Rating: 3.96 | 6390 Users | 106 Reviews

Chronicle Toward Books The Taming (Peregrine #1)

England's most valiant knights paid court to wealthy Liana Neville, but only the infamous warrior Rogan Peregrine made no secret of his powerful desires. His very caress melted Liana into liquid fire, and she vowed to capture this manificent, wild man. Boldly the delicate beauty gave him her hand -- and Britain's richest dower. Yet he was bound to a bitter feud: for love betrayed, brothers killed, and ancestral land usurped. In Rogan's war-ravaged castle, Liana would lay her tender redeem his embattled spirit and win his untamed heart!

Particularize Containing Books The Taming (Peregrine #1)

Title:The Taming (Peregrine #1)
Author:Jude Deveraux
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 384 pages
Published:April 30th 1991 by Pocket Books (first published 1989)
Categories:Romance. Historical Romance. Historical. Medieval. Historical Fiction. Medieval Romance

Rating Containing Books The Taming (Peregrine #1)
Ratings: 3.96 From 6390 Users | 106 Reviews

Evaluation Containing Books The Taming (Peregrine #1)
Liana is a heiress running her father's castle, until her new step-mother decides she wants control so she harps at her lazy husband to marry Liana off. After countless suitors Liana chooses to merry arrogant, penniless but beautiful to her Rogan. Rogan is dirt poor, needs money to continue his war against the Howards. Liana was awesome, smart, fair with radical notions of cleanliness, education and keeping her subjects feed. I liked her a lot but she turned stupid around Rogan, who was a big

Loved it. About two feuding families the Howards and the Peregrines. The Peregrines had their family wealth and home stolen from them when their father's second wife. She destroyed all evidence of first wife's marriage, had the Peregrines decreed not the legal heirs because not records could be found, and made her sons the heirs(not sure why there are two different family names). This story deals with the "taming" of one of the Peregrine brothers by his new wife. Not a nice guy by any means at

This was one of my favorite romances when I was younger and, between my Medieval glom and discovering the Kindle edition, I had to reread it. It remains one of my favorite romances, though I was a lot more annoyed with the heroine's TSTL moment that precipitated the crisis this time around. And it ends a little abruptly, but I still sighed a happy sigh when I finished it.

I think I need to stay away from Deveraux's earlier works. While I enjoy her writing style and the humor (the lack of constant soft porn goop is also a plus), certain characters and themes just don't work for me. I can't help but roll my eyes when there are the unrealistic expectations the heroine has (thankfully she makes them realize their stupidity in most of the stories) but I have to remember the market that these books were written for and what was expected in the historical romance genre.

This is a re-read for me. I like Jude Deveraux and her books well enough. This book is however not my favorite from her. The hero is, well, not a hero. I mean, most of the romance novels have alpha males and they all pretty much act the same with minor variations. This hero is of the dirty variation, the most unhygienic kind, in the literal sense. He does not shower often and keeps a week supply of mistresses with extra to spare in case of their "monthly flux". The mistresses, are named after

First up, I don't read many romance novels, so I may have had a slightly negative bent before starting the book. Also, I found there were horses spread throughout the novel so I'm tagging this as one of my 50 horse books read in 2018.Liana is a young noblewoman who runs her father's estates in the middle ages (I think). She doesn't want to marry anyone, but her stepmother forces her hand and she picks some random bloke who abused her in the forest. He's a nobleman and a bit of an a-hole, by a

I had to take a few days to think about how I felt about the book before I rated or reviewed it. Then I decided that the book was just okay, I didnt like it, and Im almost on the verge of disliking it. The hero is the most un-hero like hero Ive ever ever ever read about. Hes a supreme cave-man-like asshole type hero the first half of the book, then he was just an ignorant-sometimes-tolerable asshole hero the rest of the book. I dont particularly hate them though because well I dont want to hate

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