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Rules Of The Game Kindle Edition | Pages: 238 pages
Rating: 3.74 | 112 Users | 27 Reviews

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Original Title: Rules of the Game (Five Star Romance) ASIN B0073M7498
Edition Language: English

Description In Favor Of Books Rules Of The Game

"You need an attitude adjustment!" Samantha Logan told Adam Rourke.

She didn't care that he was rich, she didn't care that he was handsome, and she didn't care that her boss was his surrogate father.

She tried to ignore the fact that his deep voice hit her behind the knees and made her feel oddly off balance. And she was sure those heart palpitations were the result of drinking two five-hour energy drinks in less than thirty minutes and definitely not from a pair of broad shoulders, green eyes and a sexy stubble.

He was way too cynical, thought he knew it all, and had her reaching for three Excedrin™ and a couple of Tums™ in less than five minutes!

Samantha Logan, he decided, was the proverbial sexy librarian fantasy – with dancer's legs and a curvy ass. Her blonde hair was piled precariously on top of her head, held in place by a bright yellow pencil. A few flaxen wisps had escaped, teasing against a softly rounded face. Square blue-tinted eyeglasses highlighted even bluer eyes. She was smart, sassy, way too funny – and she had no idea she was all that.

When she pulled the pencil from her topknot, he watched her hair untangle and drift down to her shoulders, in a sexy-just-out-of-bed, mess-me-up-more tumble. Adam hadn't realized he was even holding his breath, until he coughed in relief.

Right now, she was mad! Her barefoot angrily tapping against the carpet. And way too sexy, he tried to blink that observation away. There was nothing left to do but apologize. But she had looked him straight in the eye and insulted him!

Even after two tours of duty in Fallujah, Adam wasn't sure he could handle a woman who: wrangled a team of SEALS for the Wounded Warrior Project, was banned from singing, humming or playing golf, had an oven timer that played Beethoven's Fifth, loved all things chocolate way too much, preferred puppy kisses over his, and owned a moose named Morti.

There was only one thing for this Marine to do – man up, take her down and demand a zerbert – whatever the hell that was!

Copyright ©2012 by Elaine Raco Chase updated version of Rules of the Game.
Over 15,000 words added, new characters, plot points and enhanced, mature adult content (over eighteen, please!)

Present Epithetical Books Rules Of The Game

Title:Rules Of The Game
Author:Elaine Raco Chase
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:Second Edition
Pages:Pages: 238 pages
Published:January 26th 2012 (first published May 28th 1980)
Categories:Romance. Contemporary. War. Military Fiction

Rating Epithetical Books Rules Of The Game
Ratings: 3.74 From 112 Users | 27 Reviews

Weigh Up Epithetical Books Rules Of The Game
Cute. Typical fast read girl meets boy, fall in love, happily ever after type story

WOW another great read by Fab Author Elaine Raco Chase. In Rules of the Game you meet the adorable, strong and independent Samantha Logan, who is the right hand gal/Paralegal to the very influential Judge Harold Griffen. Judge Griffen looks upon Sam as another daughter. Trouble is, he has a real daughter, Janine, who is a spoiled brat and just loves to manipulate people and circumstances to get her own way. As Sam assists Judge Griffen prepare for his wedding to the lovely Katherine, and for his

I love a book that can combine sexual tension and laughter. The bantering between the two main characters, Samantha Logan and Adam Rourke is hysterical. Nothing is sexier than a man with a great sense of humor! Adam, is definitely fit this category. The push and pull between the two has you routing for a relationship from the beginning. An added bonus is that a small part of the storyline includes the author bringing attention to the Wounded Warriors, with it being such a great cause for our

If any author knows how to write a heroine who can give a hero an attitude adjustment look no further than Elaine Raco Chase.. She never fails to surprise me... make me delighted.. love the humor.. and never fails to entertain me with her stories and characters. This time Adam and Samantha.. what a beautiful couple..Another Awesome book.. give it a try please...

Sam, a sassy, spunky paralegal with a wicked sense of humour meets Adam, a former marine turned wealthy businessman with a very jaded opinion of women. She put him in his place quite fast and he pays attention.This fast-paced romance is without a dull moment, and had me turning the pages before I could finish them. I loved the natural feeling of the slowly built relationship, despite the instant attraction, leading to explosive passion when they did come together. This story is light and full of

Absolutley loved this book, read it in one! Very believeable characters that were easy to relate to! Loved Sam, proved you dont need a hot man to be able to live your life but it sure does help! Haha! Looking forward to reading more from Elaine Raco Chase x

Refreshingly light and engaging, this book is one cool splash of lighthearted romance. Strong, outspoken, and fiercely independent, Samantha doesn't need a man at all; her law career is the only partner she'll ever need. Then she meets Adam. The gorgeous, sexy and utterly hot publishing mogul is good friends with Sams boss. Their initial meeting is akin to a bull fight, all arguments and harsh words. The story is filled with myriad of emotions set in a well-balanced way. The several plot

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