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Pity the Nation: The Abduction of Lebanon Paperback | Pages: 752 pages
Rating: 4.39 | 1794 Users | 135 Reviews

Itemize Epithetical Books Pity the Nation: The Abduction of Lebanon

Title:Pity the Nation: The Abduction of Lebanon
Author:Robert Fisk
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 752 pages
Published:October 24th 2002 by Bold Type Books (first published 1990)
Categories:History. Nonfiction. Politics. Cultural. Lebanon. War

Description Supposing Books Pity the Nation: The Abduction of Lebanon

With the Israeli-Palestinian crisis reaching wartime levels, where is the latest confrontation between these two old foes leading? Robert Fisk's explosive Pity the Nation recounts Sharon and Arafat's first deadly encounter in Lebanon in the early 1980s and explains why the Israel–Palestine relationship seems so intractable. A remarkable combination of war reporting and analysis by an author who has witnessed the carnage of Beirut for twenty-five years, Fisk, the first journalist to whom bin Laden announced his jihad against the U.S., is one of the world's most fearless and honored foreign correspondents. He spares no one in this saga of the civil war and subsequent Israeli invasion: the PLO, whose thuggish behavior alienated most Lebanese; the various Lebanese factions, whose appalling brutality spared no one; the Syrians, who supported first the Christians and then the Muslims in their attempt to control Lebanon; and the Israelis, who tried to install their own puppets and, with their 1982 invasion, committed massive war crimes of their own. It includes a moving finale that recounts the travails of Fisk's friend Terry Anderson who was kidnapped by Hezbollah and spent 2,454 days in captivity. Fully updated to include the Israeli withdrawl from south Lebanon and Ariel Sharon's electoral victory over Ehud Barak, this edition has sixty pages of new material and a new preface. "Robert Fisk's enormous book about Lebanon's desperate travails is one of the most distinguished in recent times."—Edward Said

Be Specific About Books During Pity the Nation: The Abduction of Lebanon

Original Title: Pity The Nation: Lebanon At War
ISBN: 1560254424 (ISBN13: 9781560254423)
Edition Language: English

Rating Epithetical Books Pity the Nation: The Abduction of Lebanon
Ratings: 4.39 From 1794 Users | 135 Reviews

Judgment Epithetical Books Pity the Nation: The Abduction of Lebanon
I am almost finished with this book. Initially, I was glued to it and as I read on my pace slowed. I wanted to take my time and absorb it all. I want my own copy so I can return to it when I chose.The well written content becomes, at times, too horrific to read.Those of you who have an interest in this part of the world, war, and deranged people in power, want to give this a read. Very thorough.

the story of my litte lebanon, narrated by an eyewitness... read it...

High 5. Fisk has produced what should be generally regarded as one of the best pieces of journalism ever tansferred to the pages of literature. In attempting to comprehend how the Israeli nation could countenance atrocities committed in its name, Fisk opens this account by travelling to Auschwitz to ground any judgement on the genocide that engendered the diaspora which resulted in the founding of the Israeli state. Though suitably moved by the human tragedy of the holocaust, the author is

I am a 19 year-old Lebanese university student. I was born in 1996, the year Israel massacred civilians in the village of Qana. I carry Beirut with me on my passport wherever I go. Lebanon is the country I was born and raised in, the country of my father and his ancestors. Yet, like all my peers, I graduated high school with a profound ignorance of my countrys modern history. The events that tore Lebanon apart for decades ever since its independence in 1943 and the evacuation of the last french

Received this book at the end of December 2008. Finished shortly into 2009. What can one say about the horrors of war. The horrors of civil-war. the complete failure of humanity. And the cancer that is power and control.Once you read the chapter entitled, "Terrorist", you will realize, through Fisk accounts, that humanity is a grim spectacle. A chilling remembrance to the victims of atrocities. Fisk gives the ghost of the deceased names, faces, feelings. Sad to say, a rare occurrence, where we

On October 23, 1983, two men nearly simultaneously detonated car bombs killing 241 American servicemen, of whom 220 were Marines and 58 French servicemen in one of the deadliest days in American combat history since World War 2. I have known of this for a large part of my life, but wanted to get an understanding of the particulars. Why were we there in the first place? Who was responsible for the bombing? If we were part of a multi-national force to protect the Lebanese from the Israelis and

a fabulous book about Lebanon and all the wars, battles, massacres since 1976. I recommend the 2002 reedition (2 additionnal chapters) if the Middle East, Israel, Syria , Palestine and of course Lebanon interest you it is the book to read.

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