Books Free Beyond the Blue Mountains Download

Books Free Beyond the Blue Mountains  Download
Beyond the Blue Mountains Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 480 pages
Rating: 3.7 | 166 Users | 11 Reviews

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Title:Beyond the Blue Mountains
Author:Jean Plaidy
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 480 pages
Published:October 12th 1981 by Fawcett Crest Books (first published 1947)
Categories:Historical. Historical Fiction. Fiction. Cultural. Australia. Romance. European Literature. British Literature

Ilustration Concering Books Beyond the Blue Mountains

This is a story set against a late eighteenth and early nineteenth century background, telling how the evils of their time affected the lives of three generations of women. Kitty Kennedy loses her lover before Carolan is born; Katharine, Carolan's child, chooses what must inevitably be a life of danger; but it is Carolan, sensitive and proud, bold and reckless, who must suffer most deeply and who is the central figure around whom events revolve.

Her adventures in the East End, in Newgate Jail and in the foul women's quarters on the prison ship transporting her to Australia are told with terrible clarity and a powerful imagination. The profligacy, perversion, vice and cruelty of that age are forcefully recreated. Having survived the journey and been taken to the house of Materman of Sydney, Carolan finds that her experiences have changed her from an innocent girl to a ruthless woman, determined to establish herself in the Masterman household, and her method of doing so is such as will haunt her for the rest of her life. The main characters in this unusual novel are not only vivid but convincing.

There is the gay and amorous Marcus, vain Kitty, bawdy Margery and sweet Katharine; there is Masterman who, for love of Carolan, forgets he is ambitious and a Puritan; the pious Esther, and Carolan herself--these and many others, living in a world of crime and horror, dirt and luxury, cruelty and indifference are all reaching out hopefully to better times beyond the symbolic Blue Mountains.

Itemize Books To Beyond the Blue Mountains

Original Title: Beyond the Blue Mountains
ISBN: 0449244512 (ISBN13: 9780449244517)
Edition Language: English

Rating Containing Books Beyond the Blue Mountains
Ratings: 3.7 From 166 Users | 11 Reviews

Weigh Up Containing Books Beyond the Blue Mountains
This is the first book I read of Jean Plaidy's. It got me hooked on her, Philippa Carr, and of course, Victoria Holt, who are all one.

For me, this is the book that started my love affair with Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Philippa Carr. I love the way each penname has a totally different and unique style, even though they are one-in-the-same. Gothic, history, love all rolled into each book. Great reads to take you away.

Beyond the Blue Mountains is almost like a trilogy compressed into a single volume. Its an ambitious novel in that it covers a long period of history , following the lives of several characters, including three heroines. Of the three main settings, I preferred that of the English countryside, which takes up roughly the first third of the book. I liked all the characters in this section. The author does a great job in bringing them to life. I was disappointed only that when the book switches

A good story of three women.

Jean Plaidy was a favourite author of my mother's but this is the first book of hers that I have ever read and it wont be the last. It is the story of three generations of women and how love for the men in their lives was affected by the background of life in their times. Jean Plaidy has researched the history of life in the late 18th and early 19th centuries and made them vivid. A real page turner.

Jean Plaidy siempre ha sido un referente para las novelas históricas y tenía grandes expectativas para este libro a pesar de que no me gustan mucho las novelas que abarcan varias generaciones xq por regla general, quieren ser repetitivas y terminan siendo tediosas. Pero tenía la esperanza de q nuestra Jean le diera un buen giro de tuerca...pero no se cumplió. La trama resulta predecible desde el principio, con todas esas heroínas q no paran de tropezarse con amores imposibles q se consuman

This is somewhat of a paper dragon story as nothing is resolved in the end.It begins In England with Kitty Kennedy who is disappointed in her love, continues with her daughter Carolan who along with her mother is arrested and sent on a convict ship to Australia. Carolan refuses to marry the man she truly loves as she doesn't trust him opting for a good man instead. Years later her daughter Katharine falls in love with the son of the man her mother refused. Carolan is determined to prevent it but

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